
We are scheduled to serve lunch to the veterans residing at Camp Hope, their families and other visitors on Sunday November 6th.  Camp Hope is near the West Belt at 290 here in Houston and serves veterans dealing with PTSD.  If you want more information on Camp Hope their website is:


  1. The plan is to served grilled steaks and baked potatoes, and to also provide some grilled chicken for those who prefer to avoid red meat.  Does anyone have a connection to get good steaks at a good price?  We usually get a good boneless cut like ribeye’s or New York strips.  Any ideas on a source here are very welcome.


  1. We need volunteers to bake potatoes at home that morning and then bring them to Camp Hope ready to serve.  The more volunteers here, the fewer taters we each need to bake.  If we get those huge bakers they have at Restaurant Depot we can get two servings per spud so that would be about 50 taters in total.  Four or five of us can handle that.


  1. Ms. Jennifer Peck has volunteered to manage dessert service.  The last time we tried this there was no frozen cobbler to be found anywhere.  It seems there is a shortage of everything at one time or another.  Whatever Jennifer wants to serve is fine by me.


  1. Does anyone want to volunteer to bring some breakfast for volunteers?  We will probably start setting up by 10:00 am that day.

In case you were wondering, we are currently unable to schedule any events at VA facilities due to Covid restrictions.  I don’t know if that is going to change anytime soon and I sure miss going out to DeBakey and the Temple VA campuses.  Other than Camp Hope, DeGeorge at Union Station, and Midtown Terrace, I am not aware of any other local facilities serving veterans (or primarily veterans) who are in need of assistance.  If anyone has some other thoughts here please let me know.


If you are able, please save the date.  I’ll be back in touch closer to the date.


Thank you for supporting TGWAH!